Noise is defined as “sound without value” or any noise is undesired by the recipient. Another interesting definition of noise is ‘wrong sound’ in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Causes of noise pollution
I. Traffic noise
II. Air craft noise
III. Noise from construction
IV. Noise from civil engineering works
V. Noise from industry
Effects of noise pollution
Noise is ’unwanted sound’. It has been found to interfere with our activates at three levels;
(a) Audio logical level in referring with the satisfactory performance of the hearing mechanism;
(b) Biological level interfering with the biological functioning of the body; and
(c) Behavioral level affecting the sociological behavior of the subjects. Because of this, the noise affects, stating categorically, performance, physiology and psychology.
Noise control method
1.Control of indoor Noise-where outdoor noise levels have been height the following methods can be applied for reducing their effects.
2.Located the buildings as far as possible from noise source.
3.Trees and shrubs may be planted in front of building to provide some absorption of sound.
4. Bathroom walls, floor and ceiling should be sound insulated using construction of high sound insulation glasses.
5.Quiet siphon jet type flush toilet should be installed to reduce noise from the toilets.
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